What’s in your circle of control?


Mindful Art Therapy activity to help us stop, reflect and be in the moment.

Creativity can help us during times of stress. You do not have to be artistic to benefit from engaging in a creative activity. To encourage you to have a go, use this activity to make a start.

As we are navigating stage 4 restrictions, it's good to remind ourselves what is in our control, and what is outside our control. Take some time to think about, or journal about what is in your control and what is not.

Draw or trace a large circle on your page.

Fill the inside of the circle with images, symbols, colours and words to represent the things that are in your control right now.

Include things that help you cope and responde to problems and stressors. Outside of the circle, you can add images or words to represent things that are outside of your control.

Consider adjusting the border of your circle - thickening the line, adding shapes, writing words- to better visualise protecting yourself from the stress of that which is out of your control. 

Here are some helplines numbers:

Lifeline on 131114 (24/7) or via text nightly (6pm-midnight AEDT) on 0477 13 11 14

Coronavirus hotline Victoria 1800 675 398

Beyond Blue 1300 224 636

Suicide Line 1300 651 251

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467


The Guest House: A Poem


Looking after your inner child in these challenging times