“Comparison is the thief of joy.” Theodore Roosevelt.


“Comparison is the thief of joy.” Theodore Roosevelt.

At times, such as life transitions, when children are leaving the nest, changing career in your 50's, looking for a new job or perhaps a breakdown of a relationship, staying positive and not comparing yourself to others can be very difficult.

How does one overcome the natural human reaction of comparing yourself to your friend, your sibling, or your colleague? Staying focused, meditation and practicing mindfulness can help you connect to your inner self and help you find the strength you need in a difficult time.

But sometimes we need help doing this. Discussing your situation with a counsellor can help you find your inner strength, resilience and self esteem. When art therapy is also used in the counselling process it helps people to tap into their own creative resources and find their uniqueness. Sometimes we loose sight of that. It reminds us that we are worthy no matter how successful we appear to be, how smart our kids are or how big our house is.

If you can relate to some of these issues, please call me to discuss how I can help you paddle your boat through your life changing currents.

Dalit bar
M: 0412 396 644


Creative Workshop- Art and Expression


Do you feel that you are living with a teen-alien?